Monday, November 29, 2010

The Tiny Quilt Shop

I'm so proud of the birthday present I made for my mom this year! She has a wonderful Christmas village, and since she owns a quilt shop, we've always looked for quilt shops she can add to her village. Well we've pretty much maxed out all the ceramic quilt shops for villages you can buy (all two of them, heh), so this year I decided to make her one!

This was so much fun! I went a little overboard (I made 40 tiny bolts of fabric only to discover they wouldn't all fit inside). I found the miniature quilts at a local dollhouse miniatures store--my mom even has one that is very similar to the yellow tulip! Bill helped by installing the light, and the kids helped by giving design suggestions and placing the fabric bolts inside.

My favorite part about it, of course, is Nellie. Nellie is the "shop dog", and everyone loves her. She's a wire-haired Jack Russell Terrorist (uh, I mean Terrier), and adorably, she has this tuft of white fur that sticks up right on the top of her head (she was my grandfather Do-Daddy's dog, and he had a matching tuft of white hair on the top of his head!). So, naturally, I had to glue a tuft of cotton to the top of "Nellie"'s head before she took her place on the bench. This was so fun!

1 comment:

  1. Wheeee!!! Wendy it's so so cute!! I wish she would bring it up to the shop, because it's just so darling. You did an amazing job.
