Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mom vs. Stepmom: Introducing "Valerie"

Part Three in the series I've been reviewing. Meet "Valerie".

I laughed at "Ashley".

I applauded "Wanda".

"Valerie" has me wanting to hit my head against a wall, hard.


Is this woman for real? I can only hope not, because that is just about the saddest thing I have read in a long, long time. This is so over-the-top-cartoonish that I really, really hope it's not real.



  1. That's horrifying. I sincerely hope that the supervisor of her meetings with the kids keeps an eagle eye on her, because it sounds like she fully intends to try to take off with the kids.

  2. Egads. What a thought! Maybe I'm naive but it's hard for me to believe there really are people like this out there. Not only is she a trainwreck, but she blames the entire thing on the stepmom! Unbelievable! Where's the personal responsibility for your mistakes, woman?! Oh, but she apparently is in possession of The Golden Vagina that makes her sooooo special because it popped out some kids.


  3. She's a drug user. That's really typical behavior for a hard drug user. The paranoia and the complete lack of taking any sort of personal responsibility - that's pretty classic behavior for a heroin or cocaine user.
