Thursday, November 4, 2010

Adult Supervision Only

This post could otherwise be titled "At Least I Can Laugh At Myself, Part 3,403"...

I should have known that my little friend karma was going to come back and bite me in the butt when I teased Bill for being a little boy a few posts ago.

In my crafts articles for StepMom Magazine I always advise adult supervision only when using tools such as hot glue guns. I found out the hard way that even adults make dumb mistakes if they're not careful...maybe I should have been teasing myself for acting like a little kid, because when I was using a hot glue gun the other day I somehow managed to slurp onto the inner part of my elbow a HUGE glob of hot glue (don't ask me how because I still don't know). Stupidly, in a frantic effort to remove said huge glob of hot glue, I managed to peel off several layers of my skin with it:
yaya OUCH!!!!! Um, oh, by the way, in case you don't know me, I am a HUGE baby about stuff like this...seriously, I think I crybabied my way through the entire shower I took right after that because the water stung so much.

Word to the wise, folks, just because you're an "adult" doesn't mean you don't need to "supervise" yourself every now and then! :) :) :)


  1. OWWWWWWWWW! OW OW OW OW OW! *cringes* OMG, Wendy, that hurts just to look at.

  2. Yeah, you're just saying that 'cause you're a bigger baby than I am :) j/k

    did you see the little piggy? I'm still laughing about that! weeeeeee wuh wuh weeeeeee
