Thursday, November 4, 2010

This Little Piggy

I rarely, if ever, watch TV...I'm just totally and completely uninterested and have better things to do with my time. I'm not even watching the Biggest Loser this season, which is a first in a couple of years.

My husband however often has sports programs on and I happen to see commercials and such. I almost died laughing the other day when I happened to see the Geico Little Piggy commercial, so much so that I had to go look it up on the internet to see it again. O.M.G...I don't think I've seen a funnier commercial in a really long time, if ever!!! Yes, I'm a dork.

If you haven't seen it, here's a link. Or even if you have, watch it for a pick-me-up giggle. Hilarious!!!


  1. haha, I have seen that commercial before!

    I don't like Geico as a company, but they always have the best commercials!

  2. Seriously, whatever marketing genius came up with that little gem needs a HUGE bonus...I LOVE it!
