Wednesday, October 27, 2010


In case I haven't said it before, I freaking hate hate hate hate HATE spiders. Despise them. With a huge purple passion. Not only are they scary and gross and vile, but my dad got very, very sick from a brown recluse bite several years ago. He was very, very lucky to have been in optimal health prior to the bite because it really knocked him for a loop, for several weeks.

Bill hates spiders a fraction of an inch as much as I do. But as I've posted before, he is ALL about Halloween, so a few days ago when I happened to see an almost comically fuzzy black-and-white spider near our fireplace, I thought for sure he was playing a Halloween trick on me...

UNTIL THE DADGUMMED THING MOVED. MOVED. It was real all right! I seriously thought he was going to have to peel me off the ceiling:

AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! And of course, because I was so busy screaming and running away, it got away and I had no idea which way it went.

As it happens, that spider is obviously one crayon short of a box, because it made an appearance while the kids were here. I wonder what our neighbors thought was going on over here with the sudden frightfest of screaming that was going on...I'll confess here and now that I'm pretty sure I was screaming louder than both the children combined. Fortunately Bill ever-so-gallantly stepped in and saved the day by vanquishing the thing. My hero *flutters eyelashes* :) 


  1. *cringes* OMG, that thing is terrifying all the way over here on the other side of the screen! What on earth kind of spider is that???

  2. I have no idea, and I don't want to know...I'm just glad it's gone!
