Monday, August 23, 2010

Good Reads: The Year of Fog

"Here is the the truth, this is what I know: there is a girl, her name is Emma. We were walking on the beach, it was cold and very foggy. She let go of my hand; I looked away to take a photograph. Seconds passed. When I looked back, Emma was gone."

This passage is the haunting refrain echoed again and again in this memorable book. The story is of a young soon-to-be-stepmother, Abby, whose fiance's six year old daughter disappears on her watch. The first time I read this book, Bill and I were merely dating. The synopsis of the book pretty much sounded like my worst nightmare, and who doesn't love a good safe trip down "What If" lane, when you know it's all fiction anyway? Or so I thought.

And indeed, it is a nightmare-inducing kind of book, for anyone who has seen the Missing Child posters or heard on the news of a kidnapped child and felt a twinge of "thank God it's not my kid/niece/best friend's child". The story is beautifully written, haunting, captivating, heartbreaking, a trifle wordy, and in a strange way, uplifting all in one. It was as if Abby, in many ways, was myself, in this indescribably unspeakable situation (I think the author has captured the agony well, and I truly wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy). The story captivated me so strongly that I have since dreamed several times about the characters, as if they were real people whom I know. I even wrote to the author and received the nicest response from her.

Back to the book: dipping my toes into my worst nightmare, through Abby, knowing I would have similar feelings as she, should such a horrible thing befall me, was both terrifying and mesmerizing. I loved every word of this book, and I have since read it three more times. Even though I know the ending, it never fails to bring me chills and even tears.

Many of the reviewers on Amazon have panned the long discussions about memory, and I will admit that those did at first bore me, but I think they have a very important role to play in Abby's incremental awakening. I am glad the author included them.

I could not put this book down; I had to know what happened to Emma. I won't spoil any secrets but I will say you DO get an answer. I highly recommend this book!

And as an aside, whenever I am out alone with my stepkids, I never fail to think of Abby and Emma. I can hardly let them get two feet away from me. Goosebumps...

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