Thursday, August 12, 2010

Adventures in Juicing: The Beginning

Hooboy, it's been a while! We've been so darn busy lately I haven't had a chance to update. But I came across something so fun I had to share. Bill and I have for many months now been making a concerted effort to eat much healthier than we had been, and to give more thought to the kinds of foods we are putting into our own bodies and providing the children. We're all eating a lot better and I can say for myself feeling a lot better for it too!

A few weeks ago I came across this fun book about juicing, Super Juicer by Christine France. The pictures were so lovely and the juices so enticing that we decided to buy a juicer and give it a try. At the very least we'd be getting more fruits and vegetables, right? There are 37 juice recipes in her book, and Bill and I agreed to challenge each other to try each one, no matter how weird or gross it might sound.

So here we are, the beginning of our adventure in juicing! We decided to start easy with plain old orange juice:
Man, was it amazing! So much sweeter than store-bought orange juice, and it really wasn't all that much work to peel the oranges and throw them in the juicer. We've been making it regularly ever since. I love the fact that it's not loaded with preservatives and sugar like store-bought.

The next one we tried was apple juice:

Before we started it, the kids thought it would be fun to save the leftover pulp and make applesauce out of it. Well that sounded really good but didn't quite work out...the pulp was nothing like "applesauce", looked extremely gross, and none of us would touch it, including me. I am sure there are lots of little Suzy Homemakers out there who know exactly how to turn apple pulp into wonderfully smooth and delicious applesauce, but I'm not one of them.

As for the juice, it wasn't exactly a hit either: it was thick, pretty pulpy, and very dark. Bill and I gave it a try and didn't care for it at all; quite naturally the children wouldn't even try it. First big miss.

Next we did blueberry juice from blueberries we'd picked fresh off the bushes and then frozen:

YUMMY! The only complaint I have about this is that it took a LOT of blueberries to make not-very-much juice, but boy is it worth it! This is the favorite of all. It's super sweet and absolutely delicious! Recently I happened upon huge tubs of gigantic blueberries for $5 at Sam's...I was so excited until I got home and started washing them and realized a lot of them were crushed inside the tub. Oh well, we just made a ton of blueberry juice out of them: bliss!

Next up: some of the fancy recipes in the book I found...stay tuned!

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