Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Hunger Games Rant

I told you before that I wouldn't bother reviewing The Hunger Games here, but I would like to take a moment to get some things off my chest. First, I'd like to say that even I was surprised by how much I ended up enjoying this series--I avoided it forever and wasn't sure I would be able to finish it due to the violence, in particular violence against children. I know many people who aren't reading it (or finishing the series) because of how barbaric just the premise sounds. And it is indeed quite barbaric and violent, and yet it is one of those stories that just Sticks With You. I read it months ago and still find myself thinking about the characters and the story line.

By the way, if you haven't read it yet, please be advised: Here Be SPOILERS. 

And I want to say it really, really ticked me off that the author killed off Finnick. I felt like that was just totally a gratuitous and unnecessary yank on the heartstrings. I would have been happier if she had killed off Gale instead. And that leads me to Prim: her death was tragic but I didn't feel it was as gratuitous as Finnick's. In fact, Prim's death was completely relevant in that it prompted Katniss to do what she did in the end. But Finnick did not have to die.

Speaking of Prim, I know there is a lot of controversy over whether or not Gale had anything to do with her death. I think it very likely that he did indeed put into motion the events that caused it--it was totally within his character development to do exactly that. I don't think he meant for Prim to die in the bombing, but I do believe he made it happen.

Lastly I'm really, really tired of the love triangle trope. Can we be done with that already? Veronica Roth has showed us it is possible to write an excellent YA dystopian trilogy without a heroine who is constantly dithering between two love interests. I feel like Suzanne Collins and other authors of her genre have so much to say and such interesting stories to tell, it is a huge shame they go and dumb it down with stupid love triangles.

One more thing: I can't stand who they picked to play Finnick in the second movie:

I'm sure Sam Claflin is a very good actor and all, but he is not even CLOSE to how I pictured Finnick. To me, Finnick is IRISH. And he was supposed to be this drop-dead gorgeous playboy. Sam is cute and all but he's no Finnick.

Harrumph. Anyone with me?

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