Friday, February 5, 2010

Cloud and The Yogurt Raisins

My sweet dog Cloud (the canine love of my life) has picked up an unfortunate habit of stealing yummy morsels from the kitchen (or wherever they happen to have been left) when we are gone. Today she found a plastic baggie of yogurt raisins.

I can always tell the second I walk in the door that she has done something she shouldn't have, and she knows it. She does the "I'm sorry" ears (down and back) and she usually brings a bone or toy as a "sorry" offering, and she makes funny noises that are kind of a combination whining/growling. I should be mad at her for going shopping on the counter again, but she's so cute when she grovels I can't help but forgive her...which must be her point exactly.

I love my dog!!!!

BTW, my amputee kitty Callie and her brother Mr. Mistoffolees (otherwise known as The Rudest Cat In the World) make cameo appearances here.


  1. oh no! Be on the look out for any signs of toxicity in Cloud. Raisins & Grapes are highly toxic to dogs and can cause renal failure if enough are consumed. Here is the briefing from aspca's website: She's probably okay but I just wanted to let you know!

  2. ooooh thank you for this information, I appreciate it. I had no idea! Fortunately she is fine. Guess she has a tummy of iron!
