Saturday, February 6, 2010

A dream come true...

It's here! My first book is up on Amazon! I can't believe it. I've always wanted to be a published author but never really believed it would actually happen. Now through the magic of technology and the ease of self-publishing (which no longer has the crappy rep it used to) my dream has been made possible.

I didn't write this book to be a bestseller or make a lot of fact if it sells even 100 measly copies I'll consider it a raging success! This was rather a labor of love, because I had searched for something similar to buy for myself, but came up empty. Then I had the thought...hey, if no one else has done this, why can't I? :)

I have two more in the works: one for stepkids (a guided diary) and a collection of stepmom stories in an anthology (still seeking submissions from stepmoms---email me if you want the details).

Wow this is so exciting! I'm an author! Wheeeee! 


  1. Wow, congrats! :) That is amazing! And I LOVE the idea of it. Maybe I can even get C to buy it for me for mother's day! :) Thank you for coming up with something like that!

  2. Thank you Lady Tremaine! It has been a lot of work but so worth it!
