Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Paging Nancy Drew!

Growing up, I loved Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, and Hardy Boys mystery stories. Nancy and Trixie were my favorites, although I vastly preferred Trixie over perfect Nancy, who never did anything wrong and was always the best at everything she tried. Trixie was so much more realistic: she fought with her brothers, had problems with math, and was occasionally impulsive, things to which I could certainly relate!

Even now as an adult I still re-read these stories, and I have a somewhat impressive collection of vintage copies of both Nancy and Trixies:

These are my go-to for comfort; whenever I am sick, I want my mommy, a Trixie or a Nancy, and a bowl of tomato-rice soup, in that order.

I've never had a chance to play detective myself until now: what fun it has been recently in my continuing project to find information about Doc Higgins! I get a huge adrenaline rush thrill with every new clue, and I have come across some real gems! I have spent a significant chunk of my life the last few weeks totally immersed in my research: on the internet, at several libraries, and trolling used bookstores. I've been to every Half Price Books in about a 50-mile radius over the last few days! I've found a TON of good things, some of which I'll post later. My mom and I are going to Atlanta in a few weeks to go through the Brisendine Collection at Emory, and we just might hit a real jackpot there. I can hardly wait!

But there are still at least three parts to this mystery that I have not been able to wrap up, and it's practically driving me nuts. Finding those pieces to my puzzle is all I can think about: I'm even dreaming about Doc and missing pieces! When my mom was immersed in her genealogy research a few years ago she used to tell me that she would lay awake at night thinking of her mysteries, and then dream about the people she was researching. Yep, that must run in the family!


  1. A somewhat impressive collection? I've never seen this many, aside from a library or Half-Price Books! Very nice, Wendy!! : )
    I always enjoy reading your posts. They never fail to make me smile.
    Hope you are doing well!

  2. Teehee...HI Steph!!! I'd probably be more impressed if I could actually finish the collections...still missing a few pieces for each set. I think most of the staff at all the local Half Price Books stores know me practically by name!

    Hope you are well too sweet thing!

  3. What books are you missing?? Do share, and if I come across them, I'll send them your way!!
