Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Dyslexic Comedian

Some of you reading this might not know it, but my sweet husband is as dyslexic as they come. I knew it the first time he ever emailed me, bless his kind heart. His favorite joke is "Dyslexics of the world: UNTIE!"

So today I was emailing Bill about yet another article on Doc that came in the mail today. This is by far my best find EVER: it's a 21 page article, written in 1953 by a young circus horse groom who became such good friends with Doc that they called him "Higgins Jr.". I was emailing him direct quotes from the article, some real gems, such as:

"Suzann Higgins insisted that I take her for a piggy back ride around the back yard while we were relaxing after supper of roast chicken, cornbread, and apple pie. When I finished being her horse we joined Heinz and Roberts and watched a prop hand demonstrate his tap dancing skills on the big top..."

"Otto Griebling and Emmett Kelly hit and chased golf balls around the backyard before the matinee, they were fully made up in the tramp costumes and one would think that two tramps had just jumped off a freight train with their golf clubs. They were funny guys indeed. Ma Higgins and Doc were handing out laundry after she came back from the Bendix. Suzann and Joyce played tag with Chuck and I after supper and then we all went into the big top to watch an old clown Walter Guice work with some of the riding act girls helping them improve their riding act."

"Before lunch Frank told us to go up and report to the immigration tent. I fell in line with Priscilla, the Bearded Lady and her husband Emmett, the Alligator Boy, and Ted Evans the giant. When the officials gave us the okay they rubber-stamped our arms. Doc Higgins kidded me about my circus tattoo."

and a few others mentioning Doc and Suzann. I'm nearly hyperventilating with excitement over this article, I can hardly stand it!

What is Bill's first response to my pure excitement over these wonderful quotes???

"So was there a picture of Alligator Boy?"

Just. Like. Him. But it gets better....when I responded no, he immediately replied with:

"What about the breaded lady?"

hahahaha....yes, you're reading that right, he wrote BREADED lady!! Reminds me of the time he was trying to tell me how bad his allergies were and he wrote "My allegories are really bad today". Bless his sweet little dyslexic heart! I'm used to translating (every now and then he leaves out a very crucial "NOT" which completely changes the meaning of his sentences) so I usually know what he means...but I LOVE it when he comes up with gems like this! I don't know which is better, the awesomeness of the article I received today, or the awesomeness of his response!!!

I love you B!

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