Friday, May 14, 2010

Funny Food

Recently I have developed a fascination with food that unexpectedly resembles other food. Case in point: I came across a recipe for these adorable hamburger cookies a few years ago:

They are so cute, and so easy to make! Ever year I make a big batch for my parents' annual July 4th party, and they always get rave reviews. Not only are they adorable, but also pretty tasty too! By the way, these will be featured in my article for the June edition of StepMom Magazine.

Last weekend my mom got the kids some stinkin' cute cupcakes, then my sister came across the website where they were originally featured: Those cupcakes were such a hit and so fantastically cute that this week when I had an opportunity to provide goodies for the teacher appreciation potluck at my stepson's school, I just knew I had to make them. Check out Peas and Carrots Cupcakes:

Aaaaa!! These are so cute I can hardly stand it!! Those are Skittles and Starburst candies you see on top. I have already requested our library's copy of the wonderful cupcake book that I think the idea originally came from. I can't wait to try some more!

Lest you feel sorry for the poor teachers for getting "veggie" cupcakes, we also made Healthy Garden Salad for them. This is one of the most delicious salads I've ever tasted!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to try these new recipes! Your blending family is very blessed to have you as the queen cook in their lives :-)
