Thursday, May 13, 2010


On Wednesday nights my church has a marriage ministry for couples to work on their marriages. I help out with childcare, and I always have the 13-24 month-olds. They are so cuuuuute and I love spending time with them!

One of the best parts is that we typically have regulars who are there every week, so we really get to know the kids and their parents. I love watching how they grow and change over the months. I used to be scared of babies, and I am still kind of scared of the teeny-tiny ones, but I really enjoy this age! They are pretty mobile, they like to play with toys, and some of them are starting to develop language. As an educator I know how important early language skills are, and it's so interesting to watch this development in action.

Last night one of my favorite little guys saw his big brother on the playground out the window, and he kept saying "That's my big bubby!" over and over again...a few months ago this little boy didn't have any words at all! It was so adorable. It seemed like all our little ones were in especially good moods last night which makes it even more fun.

It doesn't matter what kind of stressful day I've had, hugging on those sweet babies is always a treat and puts me in a good mood. What is it about babies and the way they smile and the way they smell (unless they're poopy, ew), that just warms the heart?!

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. I LOVE LOVE LOVE babies. Want my own, but other's are really awesome because the go home just when they aren't so cute anymore :) I feel that way about my dog. I never loved dogs, but now that I have one I love that he's always the happiest one that I'm home and ALWAYS happy to see me :)
