Monday, November 9, 2009

King Tut

The background to this post is that when B and I went on our honeymoon to San Diego, we spent one day enjoying Sea World there. We took the behind-the-scenes tour of the penguin exhibit and got to pet a darling penguin named King Tut, pictured above. He was so soft and so friendly! It was one of the highlights of our day there.

Flash forward to the summer, when I finally joined the ranks of Facebook. A few really slow days at work had me thinking about all the games on FB that seem so popular...Farmville, Mafia Wars, etc, I decided I wanted to play a game too. So when a friend suggested SuperPoke Pets, where I could have my own little virtual pet to play with, I was all over it! The little penguins were so cute, and immediately I chose to name mine King Tut, of course.

So now it's been about 3 months and I am beginning to ask myself, what in the world was I thinking?! I already have SIX real pets (not to mention two stepkids!), I didn't need a stinking virtual pet on top of it! The two dogs, two cats (one of whom is an amputee), and two fish are quite enough, thank you. And that's not even considering our experiment in worm composting with 2000 worms to whom I also feel the obligation to provide tender loving care. With the type of job that I do (helping people) some days I think if one more being needs one more thing from me my head might explode...

But poor little King Tut gets so sad when he's not fed and played with every day, and if you don't clean him he gets stinky with bugs crawling on him. I hate to see a sad pet, it makes me feel so guilty! And then I feel stupid for feeling guilty over a virtual pet! aaaaa!!! But day after day I trudge over and spend my five minutes feeding him, cleaning him, tickling him, and taking him on playdates. It's such a beating, but I'm stuck now...I can't bear to think about "killing" him by deleting my account. How dumb is that!

Let this serve as a warning: do not get sucked into the dumb Facebook games! You will live to regret it.

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