Thursday, December 20, 2012

Santa Hands

My friend Jennifer sent me this link of an adorable idea I just couldn't stop myself from stealing! I got so excited about it that I decided to make handprints of some of Kirk's friends too, as gifts for their parents.

One thing I discovered is that it's not very easy to get a squirmy baby to cooperate with smashing their hand on dough just right! After a bunch of frustrating tries with Kirk I figured out that everything goes a lot smoother if you trace their hand onto a piece of thick paper first, then use the paper on the dough.

Also one thing I was dumb about is forgetting to poke a hole in the top before baking, for a ribbon to hang through. Since I forgot that I ended up having to glue on a ribbon and I added some jingle bells to make the ribbon look a little more festive.

But all in all I think they turned out pretty cute!


  1. Those are so cute. I did a dish towel with a hand and a foot for the day care kids to give their mom. Textile paint isn't as easy to work with as acrylics. ;-) The baby end has some smudges and only half his hand printed. I drew out my inner artist to do the other half. The two year old was so excited and squirmy that there are lots of random dots scattered around. Again, my inner artist managed to use some of them, but the rest were described as Excitement Dots. ;-)

    Did you use Model Magic? I tried making the homemade stiff, but I wasn't impressed. Next time, I'll just spend the money and get it from the store,. ;-)

    Merry Christmas to you and yours Wendy.


  2. Hi Mona! Your dish towels sound so cute, I'd love to see pictures!! I think the squirmy imperfections make the end result even better. Love Excitement Dots! :)

    I actually used a salt dough recipe, although I have used Model Magic type stuff in the past. The recipe I linked to above for the salt dough worked really well for this project, but I don't know how good it would be for 3-D type art.

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas too!!! Hope to see you soon! XOXOXO
